In the past few months, we have made a lot of changes at our practice – we’ve changed our name and rebranded, we have announced that we are opening our second location in Bellevue and we have increased the price for getting treatment.
We realize that this is a lot to take in! That’s why we hosted our first-ever Facebook Live event to answer all of your questions about these changes.
If you weren’t able to join us, you can watch the recording below.
Below are answers to some of the most common questions we’ve received, many of which we addressed during the Facebook Live video. We hope this helps you navigate all of the changes at our clinic!
FAQs About Our New Location in Bellevue
Why are you adding a new location?
We have wanted to add a new location for quite some time. We wanted to get into Bellevue because we know a lot of people have had trouble getting to East Nashville from the West side of town. Ultimately, we wanted to add a second location to make affordable acupuncture more accessible to people in the Nashville area.
Where will it be located?
The new location will be in Bellevue at 140 Belle Forest Circle. It’s just off of Old Hickory Boulevard. It’s near TJ Maxx and it’s right next door to Red Lines Bar and Grill.
Here’s a quick look at what will be the new location!
When will it be open?
Our projected opening date is October 6, 2019. Follow us on social media for updates on our official opening date!
Will you have the same hours in Bellevue?
To start, no, we won’t have the same hours in Bellevue as we do in the East Nashville location.
We will have a mix of morning, afternoon, evening and weekend hours available. Eventually, we hope to be open there seven days a week. But initially, we won’t have quite as many hours in Bellevue.
Who will be working at the Bellevue clinic?
Trey will be the clinic director of the Bellevue location. Trey will be the only acupuncturist at the Bellevue location initially, but we hope to grow that as the clinic grows.
About our New Name, Encircle Acupuncture
Why Are You Changing Your Name?
There are a few reasons why we decided to change our name from East Nashville Community Acupuncture to Encircle Acupuncture.
This was a difficult decision to make because we’ve had our name for almost 10 years. We started the practice in East Nashville and it is our home. But as start serving more communities, we needed a name that wasn’t so location specific.
Another reason we wanted to change our name is because it is really long! This becomes really noticeable when answering the phone with “East Nashville Community Acupuncture, this is Alexa, how can I help you?” or writing our emails with eastnashvilleacupuncture.com at the end. We wanted a name that was shorter and easier for our patients and for our team.
One of the things we love about our new name is that our community contributed to the process. We worked with a marketing team to get input from our patients about what they love about getting treatment from us. The feedback from our patients was integral to the name we chose.
To me, Encircle encompasses the values that are important to us such as inclusion, belonging and community. Even our treatment room is set up in a circle! So, the name really fits who we are.
However, we will always feel like East Nashville is home. We will always be rooted here, but we will be doing it with a shorter name.
Answers to Price Change Questions
Why are you changing your price?
We discuss this more in depth in the video, but here are the primary reasons why we are changing our price to $20 – $40 per treatment:
To offset increased operating expenses. During the past nine years, our operating expenses have continued to escalate. We’ve been able to offset some of the increased expenses with patient growth, but we are still absorbing much of that added cost. In order to keep providing quality acupuncture services to you, we need to cover our expenses.
To bring on more great staff! As we grow and expand, we need to add more staff. We strive to create good jobs and attract the best people to serve you. To do that, they have to be compensated accordingly. Increasing our pricing ensures we can continue to pay our wonderful team members a living wage for the valuable work they do.
To add more locations. Adding a new location in Bellevue is just the start of our expansion efforts. We want to make the healing power of acupuncture more accessible throughout Nashville and bring acupuncture to more neighborhoods where our patients live and work.
To make acupuncture more accessible for YOU. We are making all of these changes to make getting treatment more convenient for our patients. As we increase our hours, locations and staff, you’ll have expanded scheduling options and more convenient access to acupuncture treatment when you need it.
Will the new patient fee go up?
Yes, the new patient fee will increase to $20 for the first visit.
Is anyone grandfathered into the old price?
No, but we will never turn anyone away for inability to pay. If the new price is cost prohibitive for you, please talk to someone on our team and we will be glad to work with you. It is our goal to make acupuncture accessible to everyone.
Will your late cancellation / no show fee change?
Yes, this fee will go up to $20. If you still owe us for a late cancellation or no show fee from before the price increase, you will still owe us $15.
If I have credits, will I have to pay extra on them?
No, your credits are still available to you and it will not cost you anything more to use them.
Still have questions
Still have questions that we haven’t covered? Give us a call or click here to send us a message. We’d love to answer any questions or concerns.