Acupuncture Before and After Surgery: Does it Help?
As a complementary form of health care, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help enhance the effectiveness of allopathic medical treatments.…
As a complementary form of health care, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help enhance the effectiveness of allopathic medical treatments.…
People sometimes wonder if acupuncture works as a result of the placebo effect. The word placebo means “I believe” in…
It’s one of the most frequently asked question about acupuncture: How does it work? Acupuncturists love talking about qi and…
Patients often ask us why they feel the needles in some points and not others. We answer that question in…
It’s common to have questions about acupuncture. Because acupuncture treatment involves needles, it can seem intimidating or downright scary! At…
Can acupuncture help treat nerve damage and other nerve-related issues? We answer that question in this episode of Ask the…
How many treatments are needed to treat your specific situation? We answer this common patient question in this video.
Acupuncture and dry needling use the same type of needles, but that’s where the similarities end. Here’s a look at…